A Building with the Scaffolding Left in Place
He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail. — Niels Henrik Abel No self-respecting architect leaves the scaffolding in place after completing his building. — Carl Friedrich Gauss AI for math is keeping upgrading with a speed never seen before. Recently I came across an AI-for-Math paper talking…
An Interesing Algebra Exercise Challenge
Recently I have an interesting reading of Terrence Tao’s community-collaborative project on the equational theories. He mentioned an interesting algebra exercise as follows.Given a magma (an algebraic strucuture with binary multiplication without commutativity or associativity law guaranteed) so that$$\begin{equation}x = (y \circ x) \circ (y \circ (y \circ x))\end{equation}$$holds for any , prove that$$\begin{equation}x \circ…
我见过两片星空 一片忠于那稳定的椭圆轨道 和周而复始的命运 另一片在梵高夏夜里狂野地舞蹈 旋转,热烈 我怀念两枚硬币 一枚握在上帝手里 决定粒子穿过哪一个狭缝 另一枚徘徊时间的迷宫 躺在蒙得维的亚的海泥 我有两个向往 一个是所有日晷 不约而同的神秘指向 一个是被树根刺痛的土地 但仍慷慨将万物举起 我经验过两种无力 一是落叶中 逐渐褪色的太阳 另一是叫不出太阳真名的 语言的贫瘠 但我明白一种幸运 那是一双眼睛 注视着另一双眼睛
熬干了灯油 还要熬干眼睛 最后连血都要呕出来 捧在手上让星星看看 再没有可献出来 我站在夜里,身体轻快 子夜的太阳在对跖点 子夜的光从脚下发热 夜莺上下摆动手臂 腾空而起
包裹在树皮下 年复一年 从泥土里生长 却孕育星空的模样
当空中的蒲公英停止飞升 他开始怀念大地
火车飞驰过铁轨一路轰鸣 这是火车和铁轨创作的诗 一根一根铁轨是诗的韵节 轮子挤压铁轨接缝的 “哐当”声是韵脚 汽笛是创作者不可遏制的灵魂冲动