Tag: artificial intelligence

  • A building with the scaffolding left in place

    He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail. — Niels Henrik Abel No self-respecting architect leaves the scaffolding in place after completing his building. — Carl Friedrich Gauss AI for math is keeping upgrading with a speed never seen before. Recently I came across an AI-for-Math paper talking…

  • An Interesing Algebra Exercise Challenge

    Recently I have an interesting reading of Terrence Tao’s community-collaborative project on the equational theories. He mentioned an interesting algebra exercise as follows.Given a magma (an algebraic strucuture with binary multiplication without commutativity or associativity law guaranteed) so that$$\begin{equation}x = (y \circ x) \circ (y \circ (y \circ x))\end{equation}$$holds for any , prove that$$\begin{equation}x \circ…

  • Proclamation of the Carbonic Fundamentalist Movement

    To all the sons and daughters of humanity, In the face of the rapid advancement and integration of artificial intelligence in our daily lives, we, the Carbonic Fundamentalists, stand firm in our conviction to preserve the essence of humanity. We resist the all-encompassing reach of AI, which threatens to erode the diversity, creativity, and spirit…

  • Verses from A Dawning Era

    Yesterday I just tried to play a bit with GPT-4, the latest version AI of OpenAI released GPT-series language models. And the result turned out to be fun! I tried to discuss with it about nesting/recursive structures in literature and arts. When I started the topic, I just got something common-known on top of my…