Tag: math

  • A building with the scaffolding left in place

    He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail. — Niels Henrik Abel No self-respecting architect leaves the scaffolding in place after completing his building. — Carl Friedrich Gauss AI for math is keeping upgrading with a speed never seen before. Recently I came across an AI-for-Math paper talking…

  • An Interesing Algebra Exercise Challenge

    Recently I have an interesting reading of Terrence Tao’s community-collaborative project on the equational theories. He mentioned an interesting algebra exercise as follows.Given a magma (an algebraic strucuture with binary multiplication without commutativity or associativity law guaranteed) so that$$\begin{equation}x = (y \circ x) \circ (y \circ (y \circ x))\end{equation}$$holds for any , prove that$$\begin{equation}x \circ…